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![]() This is a listing of his sermons from Sermons Preached at Brighton numbered as published but listed in the order they were preached. |
Sermon 94 * Preached for the Hospital, Christ Church, Cheltenham: April 26, 1846
Typified by the Man of Sorrows, the Human Race
Isaiah 53:3
Sermon 88 * Preached December, 1847
Christianity and Hindooism - An Advent Lecture
Deuteronomy 6:4-5
Sermon 67 * Preached December 12, 1847
Matthew 26:39
Sermon 65 * Preached January, 1848
The Character of Eli
I Samuel 3:1
Sermon 66 * Preached March, 1848
The Appointment of the First King of Israel
I Samuel 12:1
Sermon 79 * Preached 1849
The Word and the World
Acts 19:1-2
Sermon 86 * Preached January 8, 1849
The Unjust Steward
Luke 16:8-9
Sermon 78 * Preached April, 1849
Salvation Out of the Visible Church
Acts 9:36; Acts 10:1
Sermon 1 * Preached April 29, 1849
God's Revelation of Heaven
I Corinthians 2:9-10
Sermon 2 * Preached June 6, 1849
Parable of the Sower (Confirmation Lecture)
Matthew 8:1-9
Sermon 3 * Preached June 10, 1849
Jacob's Wrestling (Confirmation Lecture)
Genesis 32:28-29
Sermon 80 * Preached June 24, 1849
Solomon's Restoration
Nehemiah 13:26
Sermon 4 * Preached August 12, 1849
Christian Progress by Oblivion of the Past
Philippians 3:13-14
Sermon 5 * Preached October 21, 1849
Triumph Over Hindrances: Zaccheus
Luke 19:8
Sermon 6 * Preached October 28, 1849
The Shadow and Substance of the Sabbath
Colossians 2:16-17
Sermon 7 * Preached November 4, 1849
The Sympathy of Christ
Hebrews 9:15-16
Sermon 9 * Preached November 5, 1849
Caiaphas's View of Vicarious Sacrifice
John 11:49-53
Sermon 8 * Preached November 11, 1849
Pharisees and Sadducees and John's Baptism
Matthew 3:7
Sermon 82 * Preached November 15, 1849
A Thanksgiving Day After Cholera
John 5:14-15
Sermon 73 * Preached November 18, 1849
The Sinlessness of Christ
I John 3:4-5
Sermon 22 * Preached on the first day of Public Mourning for the Queen Dowager, Dec. 1849
The Israelite's Grave in a Foreign Land
Genesis 1:24-26
Sermon 10 * Preached December 2, 1849
Realizing the Second Advent
Job 19:25-27
Sermon 11 * Preached December 6, 1849
First Advent Lecture - The Greek
Romans 1:14-17
Sermon 12 * Preached December 13, 1849
Second Advent Lecture - The Roman
Romans 1:14-16
Sermon 14 * Preached December 15, 1849
The Principle of the Spiritual Harvest
Galatians 6:7-8
Sermon 13 * Preached December 20, 1849
Third Advent Lecture - The Barbarian
Acts 28:1-7
Sermon 15 * Preached December 31, 1849
The Loneliness of Christ
John 16:31-32
Sermon 23 * Preached January 6, 1850
The Star in the East
Matthew 2:1-2
Sermon 89 * Preached January 13, 1850
Matthew 11:28-29
Sermon 24 * Preached February 10, 1850
The Healing of Jairus's Daughter
Matthew 9:23-25
Sermon 25 * Preached March 10, 1850
Galatians 3:26-29
Sermon 26 * Preached March 17, 1850
I Peter 3:21
Sermon 44 * Preached April 28, 1850
The Tongue
James 3:5-6
Sermon 45 * Preached May 5, 1850
The Victory of Faith
I John 5:4-5
Sermon 46 * Preached Whitsunday, May 19, 1850
The Dispensation of the Spirit
I Corinthians 12:4
Sermon 47 * Preached May 26, 1850
The Trinity
I Thessalonians 5:23
Sermon 48 * Preached June 2, 1850
Luke 5:21
Sermon 49 * Preached June 9, 1950
The Illusiveness of Life
Hebrews 11:8-10
Sermon 50 * Preached June 23, 1850
The Sacrifice of Christ
II Corinthians 5:14-15
Sermon 51 * Preached June 30, 1850
The Power of Sorrow
II Corinthians 7:9-10
Sermon 71 * Preached July 7, 1850
Views of Death
Ecclesiastes 2:15-16
Sermon 52 * Preached August 4, 1850
Sensual and Spiritual Excitement
Ephesians 5:17-18
Sermon 53 * Preached August 11, 1850
Titus 1:15
Sermon 27 * Preached October 13, 1850
I Kings 19:4
Sermon 16 * Preached October 20, 1850
The New Commandment of Love to One Another
John 13:34
Sermon 77 * Preached November 24, 1850
Isaac Blessing His Sons
Genesis 27:1-4
Sermon 91 * Preached December 1, 1850
Three Times in a Nation's History
Luke 19:41-44
Sermon 92 * Preached December 8, 1850
Romans 15:1-4
Sermon 28 * Preached January 12, 1851
Notes on Psalm 51
Psalm 51
Sermon 84 * Preached February 2, 1851
Reconciliation by Christ
Colossians 1:21
Sermon 54 * Preached February 9, 1851
Unity and Peace
Colossians 3:15
Sermon 87 * Preached February 16, 1851
The Orphanage of Moses - A Sermon Preached on Behalf of the Orphan Society
Exodus 2:6-9
Sermon 29 * Preached March 2, 1851
Obedience the Organ of Spiritual Knowledge
John 7:17
Sermon 30 * Preached March 30, 1851
Religious Depression
Psalm 42:1-3
Sermon 31 * Preached April 6, 1851
Faith of the Centurion
Matthew 8:10
Sermon 93 * Preached Good Friday, 1851
The Last Utterances of Christ
John 19:30
Sermon 17 * Preached June 15, 1851
The Message of the Church to Men of Wealth
I Samuel 25:10-11
Sermon 81 * Preached June 18, 1851
Joseph's Forgiveness of His Brethren
Genesis 1:15-21
Sermon 18 * Preached June 22, 1851
Christ's Judgment Respecting Inheritance
Luke 12:13-15
Sermon 19 * Preached July 13, 1851
Freedom by the Truth
John 8:32
Sermon 32 * Preached July 27, 1851
The Restoration of the Erring
Galations 6:1-2
Sermon 74 * Preached November 9, 1851
Christ's Way of Dealing With Sin
Mark 2:8-11
Sermon 33 * Preached Christmas Day, 1851
Christ the Son
Hebrews 1:1-2
Sermon 70 * Preached December 28, 1851
The Transitoriness of Life
Psalm 90:12
Sermon 55 * Preached January 4, 1852
The Christian Aim and Motive
Matthew 5:48
Sermon 56 * Preached January 4, 1852
Christian Casuistry
I Corinthians 7:18-24
Sermon 58 * Preached January 11, 1852 (morning)
The Christian Church a Family
Ephesians 3:14-15
Sermon 57 * Preached January 11, 1852 (afternoon)
Marriage and Celibacy
I Corinthians 7:29-31
Sermon 68 * Preached January 25, 1852 (morning)
Perversion, as Shown in Balaam's Character
Numbers 22:34-35
Sermon 59 * Preached January 25, 1852 (afternoon)
The Law of Christian Conscience
I Corinthians 8:7-13
Sermon 69 * Preached February 1, 1852
Selfishness, as Shown in Balaam's Character
Numbers 23:10
Sermon 34 * Preached April 25, 1852
I John 2:15-17
Sermon 60 * Preached May 16, 1852
Victory Over Death
I Corinthians 15:56-57
Sermon 90 * Preached May 23, 1852
The Humane Society - A Sermon Preached on Its Behalf
Mark 5:35-43
Sermon 75 * Preached June 6, 1852
John 3:5-7
Sermon 61 * Preached June 20, 1852
Man's Greatness and God's Greatness
Isaiah 57:15
Sermon 62 * Preached June 27, 1852
The Lawful and Unlawful Use of Law - A Fragment
I Timothy 1:8
Sermon 76 * Preached July 4, 1852
An Election Sermon
Acts 1:23-26
Sermon 83 * Preached August 8, 1852
Christian Friendship
Malachi 3:16
Sermon 20 * Preached at the Autumn Assizes, held at Lewes, 1852
The Kingdom of the Truth
John 18:37
Sermon 21 * Preached November 7, 1852
The Skepticism of Pilate
John 18:38
Sermon 35 * Preached November 14, 1852
The Sydenham Palace and the Religious Non-Observance of the
Romans 14:5-6
Sermon 72 * Preached December 12, 1852
Waiting for the Second Advent
II Thessalonians 3:5
Sermon 36 * Preached January 2, 1853
The Early Development of Jesus
Luke 2:40
Sermon 37 * Preached January 9, 1853
Christ's Estimate of Sin
Luke 19:10
Sermon 38 * Preached January 16, 1853
The Sanctification of Christ
John 17:19
Sermon 39 * Preached January 23, 1853
The First Miracle - I. The Glory of the Virgin Mother
John 2:11
Sermon 40 * Preached January 30, 1853
The First Miracle - II. The Glory of the Divine Son
John 2:11
Sermon 63 * Preached February 21, 1853
The Prodigal and His Brother
Luke 15:31-32
Sermon 85 * Preached March 13, 1853
The Pre-Eminence of Charity
I Peter 4:8
Sermon 41 * Preached March 20, 1853
The Good Shepherd
John 10:14-15
Sermon 42 * Preached Easter Day, March 27, 1853
The Doubt of Thomas
John 20:29
Sermon 43 * Preached May 8, 1853
The Irreparable Past
Mark 14:41-42
Sermon 64 * Preached May 15, 1853
John's Rebuke of Herod
Luke 3:19-20
Scans of sermons yet to be added to this site:
The Human Race and Other Sermons - Fifth Series, sermons 1-32
Lectures on the Epistle to the Corinthians - 56 expository sermons from I & II Corinthians
Address delivered at Opening of Working Men's Institute, Brighton, 1849
Lectures on the Influence of Poetry and Wordsworth, 1852 - published by H.R. Allenson, 1906
Sermons Preached at Trinity Chapel, Brighton, 4 series, 1855-63 (also 3rd series here with additional notices at the end)
Sermons Preached at Trinity Chapel, Brighton, 5th series, 1890
Lectures and Addresses on Literary and Social Topics, 1858
Translation of Lessing's "Education of the Human Race," 1858
Expository Lectures on St. Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians, 1859
Analysis of Mr. Tennyson's "In Memoriam," 1862
Life and Letters of Fredrick W. Robertson, edited by Stopford A. Brooke, 1865 - published by K. Paul, Trench, & Co., 1884
A Few Extraces from the Early Poetical Works of F. W. R., 1870(?), privately printed;
Literary Remains (including Lectures, Addresses, and other Writings), 1876
The North American Review - Sermons, preached at Trinity Chapel, Brighton, by the late Rev. Frederick W. Robertson: pp. 268-269 (1857)
The North American Review - Sermons preached at Trinity Chapel, Brighton: pp. 729-733 (1857)
Continental Monthly - Sermons, Preached at Trinity Chapel, Brighton, by the late Rev. Frederick W. Robertson, M.A.: pp. 117 (1864)
The Century - Frederick W Robertson, by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (1882)
The Atlantic Monthly - Life and Letters of F. W. Robertson pp. 119-122 (1886)
Wikipedia listing for F.W. Roberston
The Glorious Unseen by Rev. David Dunn Wilson (first page of article only) for The Expository Times (1993)
Victorian Conscience: F. W. Robertson - "Relying heavily on sermons and correspondence, this biography illustrates his influence in bettering social conditions for the working classes in early Victorian England.", by Marilyn Thomas Faulkenburg (2002)
Unutterable Love: The Passionate Life and Preaching of F.W. Robertson, by Christina Beardsley. The Lutterworth Press (2009), ISBN 9780718892104
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